How To Clean A Trumpet At Home – How To Polish A Trumpet Tutorial

how to clean a trumpet

If you own a trumpet, cleaning it should be part of your regular maintenance routine. Cleaning your trumpet regularly ensures it lasts for a long time, avoids any health hazard, and sounds best.

It would be best if you cleaned the mouthpiece every week and the whole trumpet every other month. If you are unable to clean the trumpet every month, make sure it does not go beyond eight weeks without cleaning. Below is a step-by-step procedure on how to clean your trumpet. 

What You Need To Clean A Trumpet

•Snake/ brass saver brush

•Valve casing brush

•Tapered brush


•Soap – Preferably soap that is suitable for hand washing

•Warm water

Step 1: Disassemble the Trumpet

Prepare your trumpet for cleaning by disassembling it. Start by removing the valves and then the slides. There are three valves, and they are numbered 1, 2, and 3. As you remove the valves, check the sides they are facing as this is the same way you are going to put them back together. 

The slides are usually effortless to remove and do not require much force to remove. In case they are stuck, use a rubber jar opener to remove them. In case you fail to remove them, do not attempt to use plies. Instead, consult a professional for the necessary repair. 

Be sure to place the parts in a safe place with no risk of falling off. You can put aside the valve tops, finger buttons, and the felts as they hardly require cleaning. Remember to be extra careful with the small parts to avoid losing them. 

Step 2: Soak the Parts

Fill the tub or sink with the warm water and then add the soap. Avoid harsh soaps as they can ruin the delicate plating of the trumpet. To be on the safe side, use the soap that you usually use when hand washing.

Insert the slides, valves, and the main body of the trumpet in the water and leave them to soak for about ten minutes. 

Step 3: Wash and Rinse

Take the snake or the brass saver brush and run it through the entire trumpet body repeatedly. Once done, run it around the bell and the back bend. The snake is used to clean the tuning as well as the valve slides. 

Wash the valve casings starting from the top to bottom using the valve casing brush. Use the tapered brush to clean the mouthpiece. 

Once done washing all the parts, drain the tub or sink and then rinse them thoroughly by using clean water. Dry the parts by letting them air dry or by placing them on a dry towel. Do not dry the valves before oiling them. 

Step 4: Lubricate the Slides and Oil the Valves

Take a small amount of the lube and rub it on the slides before putting them back in place. Use a paper towel to wipe off any extra lube. Oil the valves using the appropriate valve oil and then reinsert them as they were before. 

Cleaning a trumpet should not be difficult, as this is the simplest instrument to clean. However, as you clean, remember to be gentle to avoid any dents as the dents can easily affect the sound quality.

how to clean a  trumpet at home


We hope this article was able to help you learn how to wash a trumpet and also give you some tips on how to clean trumpets effectively. Thank you for reading!

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About Jayden Buckley

Hi, my name is Jayden and I am author/editor for PlayTheTunes. I remember the first time I hopped on the drums, I was hooked. Music has played an enormous part of my life, and I'm honored I get to share my experiences with you!