Best Mac Miller Songs: The Essential List

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The late Mac Miller has been known to write songs that capture the hearts of many and soothe the fears of those who have struggled with all kinds of emotions. Since his passing, many have come to love his music more due to the rawness that he exhibited through his artistic medium as a rapper.

Today, we’ll be discussing the top ten of the most popular songs that Mac Miller created during his years as a young rapper and how influential his words were to his fans around the world as an artist who touched so many hearts with his music alone.

Best Mac Miller Songs

The Spins

The Spins, by Mac Miller, is a rap song from his album K.I.D.S, released in 2010. The song speaks about a love story where Miller describes his love for a girl and how he desires for her to give him a chance, despite the constant back and forth of wanting the girl even if her current lover does not approve of it.

Expert Tip: This song can connect to many individuals who have struggled to express their love for another person even when they knew it would be difficult to show their love for them.

Self Care

Self Care, by Mac Miller, is a rather recent song from one of his albums called Swimming. Here, he speaks clearly about how one must hit their lowest points in life to achieve their highest self, hence the name Self Care.

He uses the title to speak about the ways in which fighting against the lows in life won’t help, but instead, embracing these points where everything feels off is the best way to go in order to see change happen in one’s life.

These low points that Mac Miller speaks of are common among many as Mac Miller connected with his fans on deeper levels than many may assume. It is because of this that Self Care is one of his top songs today.

Weekend (feat. Miguel)

In Mac Miller’s song, Weekend, he speaks about the fights that he has in his day-to-day life to keep rapping, singing, and producing music while also maintaining his mental well-being. This song truly highlights Mac Miller’s struggle with substance abuse, the difficulty in loving another, and making empty promises in getting better “by the weekend”.

This song alludes heavily to his fight in staying above air regardless of everything he goes through alone. As he continues to rap about the way in which he fights to keep his head above water.

Mac Miller emphasizes the way that life has pushed him to this point after so many years of fighting the demons off. Mental health is one of the many topics that Mac Miller spoke about confidently in his songs, especially in almost all of his albums.

Blue World

Off his album, Circles, Blue World is another rap song about Mac Miller’s thoughts, where he speaks truthfully about the negativity that surrounds him. Even though the media knew of Mac Miller’s drug addiction, no one truly knew what he had been going through behind the scenes.

He speaks clearly about remaining present in reality while “the devil” continued to follow him everywhere he went. This can be a call to the mental health issues that Mac Miller suffered on top of the substance abuse during his lifetime.

Good News

This song may have an alluring title, but the song has a deeper meaning to it. From his album Circles. Mac Miller wrote another song about the feelings that he experienced in his lifetime. This song in particular alludes to the thoughts that he has about death, unfortunately.

Though he does not say it clearly, much of what he says hints toward the idea that maybe life might be better out of the world because everyone around him wants to hear “good news” from him, but he has nothing good to give or show to them.

My Favorite Part

From his album, Divine Feminine. My Favorite Part is a song about loving a woman for who she is. He speaks clearly to the woman in the song and tells her how she may not know how beautiful she is to herself, but to him, she is everything and more.

Expert Tip: This song highlights the beauty in women even when they feel that they are not worthy of love acceptance, and praise Mac Miller wrote a song that not only speaks to one lady, but to all who wish to hear words of affirmation from a song that will uplift them graciously.


As a starting song from his album Circles, this particular intro begins with the purpose of speaking about how in life, you can feel as though you are going around in circles before you find the right path to take. As an album that came after his death, this particular song set the mood for the rest of this collection clearly.

During this time, Mac Miller may have been writing about the intense waves of emotions that he had been feeling within the last few years as he continued to express his emotions unapologetically to his fans.

Cinderella (feat Ty Dolla Signs)

Cinderella is an amazing song for those who wish to hear about a fairytale that can come true through words in a song. Cinderella speaks about the way Mac Miller adores the woman in the song for who she is, despite her expensive taste, constant running, and more.

Cinderella is a song where Mac Miller is the prince wanting to have his princess after waiting so long to have his chance with another. The song is beautiful and will have any listener happy to hear about the love their significant other may have for them.


Mac Miller’s song 2009, is a song about facing reality after years of remaining naive to the world around him. In 2009, this song speaks about learning to gain the ability to face the truth after years of living a lie that kept you comfortable and hidden away from the harsh truths of reality.

This song can also be about the ways in which Mac Miller had to grow up and acknowledge that he no longer was a kid anymore. After 2009 which can be presumed to be a time when he was a child or adolescent life changed in a way that forced him to notice the world around him and make changes to adapt, even when he did not want to.

Listeners and fans can relate to this if they ever had to grow up in a time where retaining one’s youth or purity cannot remain when life presents you with situations that forcibly change your perspective.

Hurt Feelings

Hurt Feelings, another song off of Mac Miller’s album Swimming, speaks about the way that hurting someone’s feelings can affect how they feel about the things you do. Mac Miller talks about the way that even though he made changes in his life, somehow there are still issues in his world.

He does one thing, but it does not appease others. Instead, it makes him feel as though he hurt their feelings for focusing on what matters to him and making the living that he wanted.

Expert Tip: Hurt Feeling is a song that boldly calls out people who envy others for their progress, yet Mac Miller also raps about the fact that he still gets tired from having to keep up with these expectations of others when all he wants to do is live his life.

Honorable Mention: Mac Miller, Ariana Grande – The Way

As an honorable mention, Mac Miller and Ariana Grande’s The Way is one if not the most popular songs that each artist wrote during their time working together as well as being together as a couple.

This song tugged the hearts of those who loved their significant other dearly, expressing how the little things that the other does make their heart sing in a way that no other has. This song is beautiful and truly articulates each artist and their emotions throughout the song.

Mac Miller especially since he is known for his crafty work in putting lyrics together that embrace every side of him as both a person and an emotional individual.

After learning about the songs that have made Mac Miller’s career, it is clear how inspiring his music was at a very young age. He kept his music raw yet fun and understanding to listen to through your headphones.

Mac Miller remained true to his character and continued to be expressive in a way that allowed fans to connect with him on a personal level. Since his passing, many have come to honor his work a lot more out of respect and out of love for him.

Mac Miller’s songs are artistically beautiful and these top ten songs are just the surface of the songs that he created as a musically inclined performer.

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About Jayden Buckley

Hi, my name is Jayden and I am author/editor for PlayTheTunes. I remember the first time I hopped on the drums, I was hooked. Music has played an enormous part of my life, and I'm honored I get to share my experiences with you!