Vocal Breathing Exercise: 10 Singing Breathing Exercises

A breathing exercise is designed to improve one’s ability to regulate their breathing.

You may effectively support your voice by taking full, deep breaths if you warm up your lungs before singing. As much as 90 percent of a singer’s lungs might be used during the act of singing, doing the practice is more physically challenging than many beginning singers anticipate.

breathing exercise for singing

Breathing Exercises For Singing

A healthy and harmonious life requires us to take into account a wide range of factors. Breathing exercises are only one of the many things you can do to improve your health.

Many individuals don’t understand the significance of these exercises for our bodies, much alone how to carry them out correctly. Breathing exercises aren’t just good for your physical health. It also aids us in our musical endeavors.

What you’re about to learn in this article is about breathing exercises and their advantages. You are also introduced to the 10 best breathing exercises for singing and how this can affect your skill in singing.

The Advantages of Doing Breathing Exercises

The Advantages of Doing Breathing Exercises

Infection and disease of the respiratory system may be improved

Deep breathing can alleviate wheeze and regulate breathing if practiced regularly.

Improved Sleep Quality and Relaxation

The moment you begin deep breathing, you’ll feel your stress melt away, and your mind becomes more serene. If you use a health monitor, you may even feel your heartbeat slowing down and observe your pulse rate fall.

When it is time to sleep, this soothing effect helps you relax enabling you to sleep quicker. You will notice a reduction in the number of times you wake up throughout the night. An increase in metabolism due to more oxygen in the blood gives you the extra energy you need to get through the day or exercise.

An increase in metabolism due to more oxygen in the blood gives you the extra energy you need to get through the day or exercise.

An Improved Posture

Breathing profoundly helps rectify rounded shoulders, expands the chest muscles, and expands the rib cage spontaneously. Deep breathing may be done anywhere, at any time.

Stress Reduction and Mood Elevation

When it comes to soothing the mind and body, it all begins with the breath. Your cells get more oxygen, and your nervous system is calmed when you breathe slowly and deeply.

Increased Physical Stamina and Power

Deep breathing techniques may have a wide variety of advantages, whether you participate in vigorous sports like soccer, basketball, or volleyball, or you’re just trying to improve your athletic ability.

Enhances Hair Growth

Deep breathing increases blood flow and oxygen delivery to the hair follicles resulting in faster hair growth.

A vocal teacher showing breathing techniques to her student
A vocal teacher showing breathing techniques to her student.

Reminders before doing the breathing exercises

  1. The shoulders, back, chest, and arms should all be relaxed at all times.
  2. If you’re doing a breathing exercise while standing, keep your feet slightly apart.
  3. Consider beginning the breath deep in the body, either from the lower torso or even from under your feet—doing so will assist in keeping the shoulders and chest relaxed.
  4. Think of your spine expanding as you inhale and exhale, especially on the exhale.
  5. Consider doing some gentle stretching before you begin the breathing practice to help you feel more at peace in your body and become more self-aware.

12 Breathing Exercises for Singing

Techniques for Managing Your Breathing

The diaphragm and the abdomen are the two muscles you use to regulate the amount of air that enters your lungs.

Making Use of the Diaphragm

The diaphragm and the abdomen are the two muscles you use to regulate the amount of air that enters your lungs.

The diaphragm is a muscle positioned underneath the lungs and ribs. A healthy respiratory system relies on it to deliver and remove air from the lungs as needed.

Diaphragm movement against the lungs should be felt during exhalation. During this movement, the abdominal wall should press in. while both the ribs and diaphragm itself should push up.

When your diaphragm is powerful, you’ll have more control over your singing. You’ll be able to switch between different pitches, attain quick licks, and maintain control over quiet singing.

Maintain a Tight Abdomen

A woman teaching her student singing through diaphragm
A woman teaching her student singing through diaphragm.

The abdomen should be kept in a tight position at all times. Allowing air to move through the throat readily requires a relaxed state of the throat. Instead of relying on your neck muscles, use more air to attain the highest notes. Make use of your abdomen to expel the air from your body.

Practicing Inhalation Breathing Exercises

Simple breathing exercises such as this one entail taking in a rapid, full breath to match your voice to the sound of a musical instrument. It helps you to concentrate only on your oxygen intake. Take a deep breath and keep your body calm.

As you inhale, you should notice a weight at your belly button. Make a mental image of the heavy air entering your body and swiftly descending. Fill your lungs quickly, as if you were doing yoga breathing techniques. The yawns that may accompany this activity are expected, and you should fight them. Don’t be concerned. Try to inhale and exhale quickly.

The Exercise with Straws

It is possible to do the straw exercise, also known as the straw method or straw phonation. by whistling through a straw. This breathing exercise teaches you to concentrate your breath in the straw while maintaining your face and body perfectly motionless. It is a fantastic way to improve your breathing.

In this exercise, follow the same general pattern as the exhale and hiss exercise; however, instead of hissing, hum the song you are working on while exhaling through the straw.

Humming professionals often start at the bottom of their range and work their way up to higher notes gently at first before attempting to hum the whole song in this manner. Breathe in via the straw or outside of it if you start to feel dizzy.

Try this exercise with a straw in a half-full glass of water for a different twist. Your humming will cause controlled bubbles to form in the cup of water. It provides an additional degree of enjoyment for vocalists of any age.

Relaxing Tense Diaphragm Muscles

It is possible that the most prevalent breathing difficulty among individuals in general and vocalists, in particular, is the inability to breathe consistently from the diaphragm. The most effective approach to train the diaphragm muscles is to release tension from the muscles.

As you do this exercise, pay particular attention to your diaphragm-circumflex muscles. Begin on your hands and knees with the goal of releasing tension.

The abdomen can hang freely rather than being forced to expand from the body because of this posture. Your core and shoulders will remain in position as a result of gravity’s action. It takes additional effort to tense the abdominal muscles as you inhale and contract your abdomen when you exhale.

It is an effective exercise for training the muscles when you inhale more slowly than you exhale. Maintain a slower speed when you fill your lungs to keep your muscles engaged for a more extended period.

Breathing Techniques in Yoga

Woman doing yoga breathing technique
Woman doing yoga breathing technique.

Yoga breathing, which is the first skill you learn in yoga, is focused on the diaphragm. Also useful for singing, and you may either stand or sit on the ground to finish the exercise.

Close your eyes for a moment to help yourself concentrate only on your breathing. Take a slow, deep breath through your nose until your lungs are 25% complete, then hold it for 6 to 12 seconds. Using the nose, inhale again until you reach 50% of your lungs’ capacity and hold it for additional 6-12 seconds.

Don’t let go of your breath. Inhale slowly for another time until your lungs are filled to 75% of their maximum capacity, then hold. Another breath to fill the lungs, maintain, and finally a gradual exhalation from the mouth.

Open your eyes after that. Repeat the technique after taking a few regular breaths.

Vocal Strength and Proper Singing Position

For any workout, but particularly for improving your voice endurance, the proper posture is essential. Maintaining appropriate posture helps to keep the upper body under control. Even though it might be physically challenging, the pose enables you to control your tendency to breathe quicker with your upper body.

Make sure you’re standing straight and spreading your arms. Slowly breathe in and exhale while maintaining your arms parallel to your shoulders. Inhale and exhale, paying attention to how your chest and arms are unable to rise.

Two light chairs may be lifted as you raise your arms to make the workout more challenging. Maintain an erect, straight back posture. And steadily practice good inhalation and exhalation.

Bouncy Hissing Sounds for Better Diaphragm Flexibility

Breathe into your diaphragm
Breathe into your diaphragm.

A singer’s ability to inhale and exhale gets more challenging as the song progresses. With the bouncy hiss sound, you may practice controlling your voice without stressing your vocal cords. For producing crescendos and cycling between pitches, it’s a great tool.

Sit or stand in a correct singing position before you begin. For this workout, you may either sit or lie down. You will use the “sss” sound to make high and low-pitched sounds. Break up the music with occasional bumps instead of keeping it steady. With your throat clenched and air trapped, you produce the sound. As you exhale, increase the speed of the bounces.

Exhalation Breathing Exercise

You must maintain a constant and smooth exhalation to sing correctly. Using this technique, you can effortlessly hit high notes and slow passages throughout a song. Practicing by blowing a feather around the room may be the best method.

Using a feather, blow it up in the air. To maintain the feather in the air. you’ll need a long and steady stream of air. While keeping the feather in the air. focusing on your core muscles and diaphragm is critical.

Determine the portions of your body that move and when they do so. As you exhale, your abdomen should return to its pre-inhalation posture, but your chest stays in the same place. Before starting the workout again, take a deep, regular breath.

Lay on Your Back

Woman lying on the floor singing
Woman lying on the floor singing.

Singing while laying flat on your back pushes the body to breathe only via the diaphragm, which is an excellent approach to improve your breathing technique. Inexperienced singers or those who find it difficult to draw air from their lungs might benefit from this practice.

Try lying on your back and placing your hands on your stomach. Take a few breaths, and notice how your belly expands with each inhalation as you sing.

Slow Breathing Exercises for Deeper Breathing

Diaphragmatic breathing is slower than chest breathing which generates shallow quick breaths. It takes more work, wears out your voice more quickly, and causes you to run out of oxygen too promptly if you inhale from the chest. Your vocal folds will sound better if you take deep, slow breaths to stimulate the proper muscles and generate the correct sounds.

Slightly widen the distance between your legs. Close your right nostril with your finger, then inhale and exhale through the only open one. Take several slow, deep breaths, and then switch to the other sides. Inhale forcefully and exhale slowly to produce a low sound.

The diaphragm is activated when one of the nostrils is blocked. As you practice, the activity should become more natural.

How can correct breathing aid in your singing?

Learning the fundamentals of singing like breathing, posture and diction
Learning the fundamentals of singing like breathing, posture and diction.

Everyone has experienced the sensation of gasping while singing and afterward. Even skilled singers have this happen, and when it does, the audience is brought back to reality, and the song loses its charm.

It is essential to understand that breathing exercises do not just enhance the way our bodies operate. It also helps a person’s ability to hit the high notes while singing. It all comes down to breathing through the diaphragm, which is an organ that is important in singing.

The quality of your voice and its loudness, pitch, and tone are all directly influenced by your ability to regulate your breathing. The respiratory system must be re-trained to improve one’s singing ability.

As you inhale, the abdomen expands, indicating that you are breathing correctly. Horizontal breathing may also be referred to as this. Vertical breathing, on the other hand, causes the chest and shoulders to rise. Shorter breaths and a weaker voice are the outcomes of this.

While inhaling and exhaling, you must concentrate on managing the diaphragm muscles. The abdominal and intercostal regions should be given special attention. These muscles around the diaphragm may be exercised to improve your breathing efficiency and overall health.


Breathing exercises are. in fact, fundamental to our lives and future careers. Breathing exercises for singing are beneficial because they help us enhance our singing skills and because they benefit our physical, emotional, and mental health.

The best advice I can give you. aspirant singer, is to practice suitable breathing methods, concentrate on the words, and let your singing voice soar!

Let’s get started with these singing breathing exercises right now. Please let me know if you have tried this and. if you have any queries, please post them in the comments section.

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About Jayden Buckley

Hi, my name is Jayden and I am author/editor for PlayTheTunes. I remember the first time I hopped on the drums, I was hooked. Music has played an enormous part of my life, and I'm honored I get to share my experiences with you!